Ref NoA44/5/9/8
TitleInternet Project and Human Rights Databases
DescriptionFile of documents relating to the work and contribution by Prof. Kevin Boyle and numerous others regarding a network of Human Rights research and information database. File includes detailed correspondence between Boyle and various others such as Martin Hogan, regarding Queen's University Belfast States of Emergency Database, outlining the resources and countries available within the database (Nov 1994), an introduction and user guide to the database; Letter from Colin Campbell, Queen's University, Belfast expressing interest in developing an electronic bulletin board linking all Human Rights Centres in Britain and Ireland (18 Nov 1994); Report from Martin Haogan on the Internet and Human Rights (13 Oct 1994), Memorandum at Human Rights Centre, Essex, regarding query from Anesty Internation on collaboration on databases (30 Sep 1994) Manuscript notes by Boyle taken during discussion and meeting with Martin Hogan, being an initial outline for the 'Internet Essex Project' (n.d.); Further documents and correspondence between Boyle, Hogan and others about the Human Rights database are present. A series of letters detailing the fall-out, dispute and allegations of theft of files and documents made by Hogan against the Human Rights Centre at University Essex are present. Hogan initiated legal action about closure of the website and removal of his files. These letters are closed until 01/01/2025. File also includes letters relating to Boyle being involved with the advisory board of the group 'DIANA' - Direct InformationAccess Network Association - being an consortium of international human rights scholars and advocates seeking to establish an internet-based library of international human rights documentation. Charter of DIANA also present (Nov 1994)
Date1994 - 1995
FormatPrinted document
Extent1 file
CodePersonNameDatesParallel forms of name
DS/UK/32Boyle; Kevin (1943-2010); Human Rights activist, barrister, lecturer.1943-2010
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