Ref NoA44/5/9/14
DescriptionFiles of documents being publications, articles, reports and other such documents that were filed with records of Essex University by Prof. Kevin Boyle and which were published by the Human Rights Centre at University of Essex. Documents include: 'Reducing Maternal Mortality' by Paul Hunt and Judith Bueno de Mesquita; 'the Rights to Sexual and Reproductive Health' by Paul Hunt and Judith Bueno de Mesquita', 'Deciding to Detain - the organisational context for decisions to detail asylum seekers at UK ports', 'Incitement and the Media: Responsibility of and for the media in the conflicts in the former Yugoslavia' by Francoise Hampson (1993)', 'Key points on Women's Human Rights: An initiative of the study group on Women's Human Rights, Human Rights Centre, University of Essex' (2000); 'A Critical Evaluation of International Human Rights Approaches to Racism' by Prof. Kevin Boyle, University of Essex, and delivered at Academy of European Law Eleventh Session on Human Rights Law, European UniversityInstitute (June 2000) 'Research, Practice and Teaching, Human Rigts Centre, University of Essex (2003), 'Combatting torture: A manual for judges and prosecutors' by Conor Foley, Human Rights Centre, Essex (2003). Non-University of Essex documents and publications include 'Devolution and Constitutional Change - A Research Programme of the Economic and Social Research Council' (c.2003), 'Guidelines on the use of minority languages in the broadcast media', Oct 2003, Office of the High Commissioner on National Minorities', 'A User's guide to the International Convention on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination', from the Northern Ireland Human Rights Commission' (2003) 'Promoting Democracy in the 1990s - Actors and intruments, Issues and imperatives' a report to the Carnegie Commission on Preventing Deadly Conflict, by Larry Diamond, (Dec 1995) 'Neglected Diseases: A Human Rights Analysis' by Paul Hunt, on behalf of United Nations, Wolrd Health Organisations and other groups (2007); Incitement and the Media: Responsibility of and for the Media in the Conflicts in the Former Yugoslavia" by Francoise Hampson (1993)
FormatPrinted document
CodePersonNameDatesParallel forms of name
DS/UK/32Boyle; Kevin (1943-2010); Human Rights activist, barrister, lecturer.1943-2010
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