Description | Records relating to various conferences held at University College Galway/NUI Galway and which were attended by or contributed to by Kevin boyle. Documents include "Nuclear Weapons and International Law" by Richard Falk, Lee Meyrowitz and Jack Sanderson (c. Nov 1981); Conference programme for "Using the european Convention on Human Rights, U.C.G., Kevin Boyle's talk entitled "Bringing an Application Under the European Convention" (Jan 1982); Flyer for conference entitled "Using the European Convention on Human Rights, University College Galway, at which Boyle was a speaker. (16 Jan 1982) Notice of a group to be formed on campus Re. the implications of the Nuclear Arms Race, with a talk to be given by Kevin Boyle and Bill McSweeney, includes notes on nuetrality by Boyle (May 1982); flyer from one day seminar "Law and Industry in Ireland, Chaired by Kevin Boyle (Apr 1983); Invitation to Boyle from Netherlands Institute of Human Rights to join the International Advisory Council of the Institute; Conference paper entitled "Freedom of Expression Under article 10 of the European Convention on Human Rights" by Dennis O'Driscoll, Dean of Law, U.C.G, Nov 1985; Copy of research paper entitled "Defamation - Libel" presented by Jack Phelan, Solicitor as part of Cork Examiner Seminar Series, Feb 1989; Programme for conference "Ending Apartheid and Reaching a Settlement in South Africa, taking in Also the Conflicts in Israel, Northern Ireland and Sri Lanka. . ." held at Bonn, Germany, Boyle's talk was entitled "Second Best Solutions and Intercommunal Accomodation." (Sep 1989); Programme from U.C.G. conference entitled "Policing the Peace", (Aug 1995) Report by Kevin Boyle on the EU-China Human Rights Dialogue Seminar at the Hague, Boyle was a co-ordinator of the EU-China Human Rights Network. Programme and flyer from TrĂ³caire International Seminar held in Galway, June 1983. Material from the Irish Council of the European Movement conference held in Luxembourg, Dec 1985. |