Description | File of colour and black and white photographs, various sizes ranfing from 142mm X 95 mm and 64mm X 64 mm, taken mostly during the summer term when Kevin Boyle worked at Seashore Caravan Holiday Camp, Great Yarmouth, Norfolk. Kevin worked as a barman at the camp and many of these photos show Kevin at work, at the beach with friends and socialising with friends at other locations. These photographs are unlabelled and no annotation regarding who are in the photos are present. One exception is a photo a photograph (sepia) of a woman wearing white beret hat, pink overcoat and skirt, white top, with dedication to Kevin on reverse, "With consuming love and incredible adoration, from Judy to Kevin, August 1967". File also includes three other photographs, black and white, of young men in Rusian Army uniform that seem to relate to a theatre production. An image of an unnamed theatre stage is present. |