Description | File of reports and publications from Charter 88 including "Human Rights in the United Kingdom - A Commentary by Charter 88 on the third periodic report of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland to the Human Rights Committee of the United Nations' presented by Prof. Kevin Boyle (18 Mar 1991); 'Charter 88 - We can make it happen in the next ten years' - an outline of plans and objectives of C88 (c. 1990); "!991 Constitutional Convention - Towarda a Written Constitution" (Nov 1991); "Submission to the Plant Workers Party - The Case for a Consultative Referendum on Electoral Reform (Jan 1993); "Submission to the Liberal Democratic Structure of Government Working Party (Jan 1993); "Democracy day - How to organise your Democracy Day Meeting"; "Violations of Rights in Britain - An Abuse of Power" and "A Poll Tax"; "Unlocking Democracy" (June 2000). Information pack with flyers and documents about "Violations of Rights in Britain", of which Boyle was a member of the editorial board. |