Description | Documents relating to the development of a Bill of Rights in Northern Ireland. Includes Irish Democrat and Connolly Association. (n.d) Conference 'Civil Liberties and a Bill of Rights', paper by Tony Smyth entitled "People in Institutions" organised by National Council for Civil Liberties/The Cobden Trust, (5 Feb 1977) TS article entitled "A Bill of Rights?" by Michael Zander, with MS annotation by Kevin Boyle; "Loopholes and Liberties - The N.I.C.R.A. Bill of Rights" - a reply to the drafts of the N.I.C.R.A. Bill (c. 1975) Draft TS document entitled "Enforcement" [of a Bill of Rights]; "Preliminary Report for the Northern Ireland Commission on Human Rights - Human Rights in the EEC Context" by Douglas Lawton, Prof. of Civil Law, Queen's University, Belfast. (n.d); Draft Bill of Rights for Lord Brockway to Introduce in the House of Lords" (2 Feb 1977), Copy of Law Faculty (Queen's) Working Party on a Bill of Rights for Northern Ireland" by Michael O'Boyle and Kevin Boyle (Nov 1975) Copy of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, 1948; "A Proposed Bill of Rights", prepared for submission to the People of the United Kingdom by the Ulster Citizens' Civil Liberties Centre. (June 1975) |