RefNo | Title |
P103/10/2/659 | Copy of journal Innti (Dublin), collected by Thomas Kilroy. |
P103/10/2/666 | Copy of periodical Uomini e Libri (Milan), collected by Thomas Kilroy. |
P103/1/1/1/1/6 | Copies of typescript draft outline of The Big Chapel by Thomas Kilroy (39 pp), one copy heavily annotated in places. |
P103/1/1/1/1/5 | File (in orange folder) of manuscript notes by [Thomas Kilroy] for The Big Chapel . |
P103/3 | Literary work 3: radio and television work |
P103/1/1/1/1/7 | Early typescript draft of The Big Chapel by Thomas Kilroy, with some pages missing at the end. |
P103/1/1/2/24 | Printed draft fragments of Thomas Kilroy's radio play The Big Chapel , adapted from his novel, with few handwritten corrections; corresponding closely to the proposals for the play, and the three preceding drafts. |
P103/1/1/1/1/9 | Typescript fragment of an early draft of The Big Chapel by Thomas Kilroy, entitled "A summary of the rest of the novel", outlining chapters viii to xii. |
P103/2/11/3/240 | File of records regarding the Abbey Theatre production of Thomas Kilroy's play The Secret Fall of Constance Wilde , first running during the Dublin Theatre Festival 3 - 18 October 1997, (for revivals in Melbourne and London, see below). |
P103/1/1 | "The Big Chapel" |
P103/1/1/1/1/1 | Handwritten notes by Patrick Kilroy on the O'Keeffe case in Callan; collected by Thomas Kilroy in preparation for his novel The Big Chapel . |
P103/10/2/656 | Copy of The Cork Review , collected by Thomas Kilroy. |
P103/1 | Literary Work 1: Novels, Short Prose |
P103/2/15/1/307 | Typescript draft of Thomas Kilroy's Christ Deliver Us! , Act 2. |
P103/4/1/1/1/476 | Typed script of a three-act play by Henry Beissel, entitled Salvador (in English). |
P103/2/3 | "Tea and sex and Shakespeare" |
P103/1/1/1/1/3 | Draft book |
P103/1/1/1/2/17 | Typescript offer of fee payment by Radio Teilefis Éireann, Dublin, to Thomas Kilroy, for the broadcast of 15 episodes of The Big Chapel . |
P103/1/1/1/1/2 | File of early handwritten notes for Thomas Kilroy's novel The Big Chapel . |
P103/1/1/1/1/4 | File of handwritten drafts of Thomas Kilroy's novel The Big Chapel , paginated and corresponding closely to the published item. |
P103/1/1/1/1/11 | Later typescript draft of complete novel The Big Chapel by Thomas Kilroy, with few corrections by hand (same as preceding draft 1/11). |
P103/2/1/1/34 | Handwritten and typescript fragments from various drafts for Thomas Kilroy's play The O'Neill . |
P103/1/1/1/1/8 | File of typescript fragments of drafts of The Big Chapel by Thomas Kilroy; all paginated but disparate survivals of complete drafts. |
P103/1/1/1/2/15 | File of correspondence from David Higham Associates, Ltd. |
P103/1/1/1/1/10 | Typescript draft of complete novel The Big Chapel by Thomas Kilroy [for submission to Faber and Faber], with few corrections by hand. |
P103/1/2/30 | Typescript copy of a short story by Thomas Kilroy entitled "The Murderer of Pinche, Confesses", with title page; beginning "I did not invite her into my scabrous life". |
P103/1/1/2/19 | Handwritten notes |
P103/1/1/1/2/13 | File of correspondence from various New York publishers for Thomas Kilroy, on receipt of his novel The Big Chapel ; including Grove Press, Harper and Row, Farrar, Straus and Giroux. |
P103/1/1/2/20 | Typescript proposal for a radio play by Thomas Kilroy, based on his novel The Big Chapel . |
P103/1/1/1/2/16 | File regarding the republication of Thomas Kilroy's novel The Big Chapel by Liberties Press. |
P103/1/1/2/23 | Printed draft for Thomas Kilroy's radio play The Big Chapel, adapted from his novel, with some handwritten corrections; differing little from P103/21 but including the end. |
P103/2/4/1/93 | Handwritten fragment of early draft by [Thomas Kilroy for his play Talbot's Box ]; corresponding to scenes in Act I. |
P103/1/1/2/21 | Printed draft for Thomas Kilroy's radio play The Big Chapel, adapted from his novel, with some handwritten corrections. |
P103/1/1/3/26 | File of manuscript notes and drafts by [Thomas Kilroy] for a screenplay based on his novel The Big Chapel. |
P103/1/1/2/22 | Printed draft for Thomas Kilroy's radio play The Big Chapel , adapted from his novel, with some handwritten corrections; differing little from P103/21 but including end. |
P103/2 | Literary work 2: plays and drama projects |
P103/1/2/32 | Draft typescript article (unpublished) by Thomas Kilroy, entitled "Syracuse". |
P103/2/1/1/41 | Typescript draft of by Thomas Kilroy of his play The O'Neill ; lacking c. |
P103/1/1/3/27 | File of variant draft summaries of The Big Chapel by Thomas Kilroy, made in early preparation of a screenplay based on the novel. |
P103/2/9/1/188 | Typescript draft by Thomas Kilroy of his play The Madame MacAdam Travelling Theatre . |
P103/1/2/31 | Typescript copy of a short story by Thomas Kilroy entitled "How to Read a Poem of William Butler Yeats", with title page; beginning "Notice- 2. |
P103/10/2/652 | Copy of magazine American Theatre (New York), collected by Thomas Kilroy. |
P103/2/1/1/36 | Handwritten draft by Thomas Kilroy of his play The O'Neill . |
P103/2/1/1/38 | Photocopy of typed draft/faircopy by Thomas Kilroy of his play The O'Neill . |
P103/3/1/3/1/349 | Typescript "Working Copy to First Draft" of Thomas Kilroy's screenplay The Colleen and the Cowboy , with handwritten annotations and corrections, in 124 scenes. |
P103/2/12/2/1/256 | Typescript "Draft A" of Thomas Kilroy's play My Scandalous Life , in the one-act version, with handwritten corrections and annotations. |
P103/2/1/1/35 | Early handwritten draft by Thomas Kilroy [for his play The O'Neill ]. |
P103/2/1/1/37 | Typescript and handwritten draft by Thomas Kilroy of his play The O'Neill - a play in two acts . |
P103/2/3/1/80 | Photocopy of a typescript copy of Thomas Kilroy's play Tea and sex and Shakespeare [as published by Gallery Press 1998]. |
P103/2/1/2/45 | Typescript letter from Lucy Kroll, literary agent, New York (US), to Thomas Kilroy. |
P103/2/1/1/40 | Typescript (mostly copy) draft by Thomas Kilroy of his play The O'Neill ; as P103/38, but lacking pp 1-12, and with some new manuscript corrections. |
P103/10 | Collected printed material |
P103/2/4/1/94 | Handwritten fragment of early draft by [Thomas Kilroy for his play Talbot's Box ]; corresponding to scenes in both Act I and Act II. |
P103/2/1/2/44 | File of business correspondence between Thomas Kilroy and mostly his agent Margaret Ramsay Ltd (and Casarotto Ramsay Ltd. |
P103/2/1/4/49 | File of correspondence from The Gallery Press, Loughcrew, County Meath, for Thomas Kilroy, regarding the publication of his play The O'Neill . |
P103/2/1/4/51 | File of handwritten early drafts by Thomas Kilroy of play entitled Where are my neighbours? , set in a Dublin house of flats. |
P103/2/1/3/48 | File of documents regarding the An Grianán (Letterkenny) production of Thomas Kilroy's play The O'Neill , running 8-11 July 2007. |
P103/2/1/4/50 | Typescript French translation by Godeleine Carpentier of Thomas Kilroy's play The O'Neill, rendered Le grand O'Neill . |
P103/2/6/1/135 | Typescript "early draft" of the first part of Thomas Kilroy's play Double cross , missing some pages at the end. |
P103/2/6/1/139 | File of draft fragments by Thomas Kilroy for his play Double cross of unknown chronology; some are typescript and were used for cutting and pasting into other drafts. |
P103/2/9/1/181 | Handwritten draft by Thomas Kilroy for his play The Madame MacAdam Travelling Theatre , for Part 2. |
P103/2/2/1/55 | Copy of later typescript draft by Thomas Kilroy of a play entitled The Death and Resurrection of Mr.Roche |
P103/2/2/3/65 | File of documents regarding the Abbey Theatre production of Thomas Kilroy's play The Death and Resurrection of Mr.Roche |
P103/2/2/1/56 | Late typescript draft (91 pp) of play by Thomas Kilroy entitled The Death and Resurrection of Mr.Roche |
P103/2/2/3/69 | File of documents regarding the Abbey Theatre production of Thomas Kilroy's play The Death and Resurrection of Mr.Roche |
P103/2/9/1/193 | Fragment of typescript draft by Thomas Kilroy of his play The Madame MacAdam Travelling Theatre ; duplicate of previous draft excepting handwritten cuts and corrections. |
P103/2/2/2/59 | File of correspondence between Lucy Kroll Agency, New York, and Thomas Kilroy, concerning US production and publication of his play The Death and Resurrection of Mr.Roche |
P103/2/2/3/62 | File of documents regarding the Hampstead Theatre Club (London) production of Thomas Kilroy's play The Death and Resurrection of Mr.Roche |
P103/2/2/3/63 | File of documents regarding the Rowohlt Theater production (Augsburg, Germany) production of Thomas Kilroy's play The Death and Resurrection of Mr.Roche |
P103/2/3/1/76 | Notebook with handwritten early draft of a play by [Thomas Kilroy] entitled variously Man in Room a farce / Visitors / Beware of Shakespeare / Shakespeare, the terrorist . |
P103/2/2/3/67 | File of documents regarding the Theatre-off-Park (New York) production of Thomas Kilroy's play The Death and Resurrection of Mr.Roche |
P103/2/2/3/66 | File of documents regarding the Radio 4 (BBC) production of Thomas Kilroy's play The Death and Resurrection of Mr.Roche |
P103/2/2/3/64 | File of documents regarding the Everyman Theatre (Cork) production of Thomas Kilroy's play The Death and Resurrection of Mr.Roche |
P103/2/3/3/86 | Printed programme of the Brown Penny production of Thomas Kilroy's play Tea and sex and Shakespeare , running17 April - 2 June [2001]; premiering in Cork. |
P103/2/12/2/1/260 | Typescript draft by Thomas Kilroy of his play My Scandalous Life in the one-act version. |
P103/2/4/1/91 | File of fragmentary early handwritten and typescript notes by Thomas Kilroy in preparation of his play Matt Talbot [ Talbot's Box ]. |
P103/2/2/3/71 | File of documents regarding the reading of Thomas Kilroy's play The Death and Resurrection of Mr.Roche |
P103/2/2/4/72 | File of documents regarding the Faber and Faber edition of Thomas Kilroy's play The Death and Resurrection of Mr.Roche |
P103/3/1/1/325 | Typescript of The Door- a radio play by Thomas Kilroy; a near- identical copy of the play as entered into the competition, but without later annotations. |
P103/2/2/4/73 | File of documents regarding the Grove Press edition of Thomas Kilroy's play The Death and Resurrection of Mr.Roche |
P103/3/2/6/389 | Bound typescript "working draft" by Thomas Kilroy (and writing assistant Julia Lowell Carlson), for his screenplay The Women and Mr. |
P103/2/3/1/77 | Early typescript draft of Thomas Kilroy's play Tea and sex and Shakespeare (no title or signature), with handwritten corrections. |
P103/2/3/1/78 | Early typescript draft of the play [ Tea and sex and Shakespeare by Thomas Kilroy] (no title or signature); further developed from the script for the Abbey Theatre. |
P103/2/4/1/90 | File of handwritten notes and material collected by [Thomas Kilroy] in preparation of his play Talbot's Box . |
P103/2/3/4/87 | File of correspondence between Peter Fallon, The Gallery Press, Loughcrew, County Meath, and Thomas Kilroy, regarding the publication of his play Tea and sex and Shakespeare (1998). |
P103/2/3/4/88 | File of documents regarding the French translation of Thomas Kilroy's play Tea and sex and Shakespeare as published [by Gallery Press 1998]. |
P103/2/8 | "Dreaming House" |
P103/2/4 | "Talbot's box" |
P103/2/4/3/102 | File of documents of the Feedback Theatre Company production of Thomas Kilroy's play Talbot's Box at the Triskel Arts Centre, Cork, running 4-20 August 1994. |
P103/2/4/4/106 | File of correspondence and French translation of Thomas Kilroy's play Talbot's box . |
P103/2/4/2/97 | File of correspondence (and a press cutting) from various theatre managers, academics, publishers, generally regarding Thomas Kilroy's play Talbot's Box . |
P103/2/4/1/96 | Copy typescript draft by Thomas Kilroy of his play Talbot's Box , with a few handwritten corrections. |
P103/2/4/1/92 | Handwritten fragment of early draft by [Thomas Kilroy for his play Talbot's Box ]; scenes dealing with 1913 and "class" and only very vaguely corresponding with scenes in Act I (Paginated 31-39. |
P103/2/4/3/99 | File of printed flier and programmes of the Lyric Players Theatre (Belfast) production of Thomas Kilroy's play Talbot's Box , running 24 April - 20 May 1978. |
P103/2/4/3/101 | Printed programme of the Mostly Irish Theatre Company production of Thomas Kilroy's play Talbot's Box at the Santa Clara University's Fess Parker Studio Theatre, running [August 1993]. |
P103/2/12/1/1/250 | File of typescript drafts of Thomas Kilroy's play My Scandalous Life , entitled "early typescript" and "revised early typescript of 2 Act version". |
P103/2/6/1/137 | "Third rough draft" (typescript with handwritten corrections) by Thomas Kilroy for the first part of his play Double cross ; containing the complete first part, paginated 1 to 67. |
P103/2/7/1/157 | Three typescript fragments of reworked first draft of Thomas Kilroy's adaptation of Ibsen's Ghosts , with few handwritten amendments. |
P103/2/15/1/302 | Fragment of typescript draft of Thomas Kilroy's Christ Deliver Us! ; belonging to Act 1. |
P103/2/11/1/234 | Fragment typescript draft by Thomas Kilroy of his play Wife to Mr.Wilde |
P103/2/4/4/105 | File of correspondence between The English Agency (Japan) Ltd, Tokyo, Japan, editor Junko Matoba, Tokyo, and Thomas Kilroy, regarding or translations of his play Talbot's Box (and unnamed others) into Japanese; arranging financial details and editing the translation. |
P103/2/5/1/109 | Fragment of handwritten draft by Thomas Kilroy, for his adaptation of Chekhov's The Seagull ; comprising parts of one of the scenes of Act 1, beginning with "Isobel": "And is that what you call it, idealism. |
P103/2/5/1/110 | Handwritten draft dialogue by Thomas Kilroy, for his adaptation of Chekhov's The seagull , comprising stage directions and dialogue for [Act 3]. |
P103/2/4/3/103 | File of press cuttings from the Irish Times , with mentions of Thomas Kilroy's play Talbot's Box . |
P103/2/13/1/270 | Writing pad with handwritten notes by Thomas Kilroy entitled "Notes towards Shape of Metal , 2002". |
P103/2/4/4/104 | File of correspondence from Peter Fallon at The Gallery Press, Loughcrew, County Meath, to Thomas Kilroy, regarding publication of his play Talbot's Box (1997). |
P103/2/4/5/107 | Typescript essay by [ ] entitled "L'espace dans Talbot's box", with the handwritten note "Dubost essay?". |
P103/2/5 | Anton Chekhov's "The seagull" |
P103/2/5/1/108 | Refill pad with handwritten draft dialogue by Thomas Kilroy, for his adaptation of Chekhov's The seagull ; containing cast list and stage directions, and comprising most of Act 1. |
P103/2/6/5/152 | File of collected articles regarding William Joyce. |
P103/2/7/4/167 | File of records regarding the publication of Thomas Kilroy's adaptation of Ibsen's Ghosts by The Gallery Press (2002). |
P103/2/5/6/128 | Copy film script by Thomas Kilroy based on his adaptation for the stage of Chekhov's The seagull , for the BBC television Performance Series, in 94 scenes. |
P103/2/6/1/135 | Part of a typescript draft by [Thomas Kilroy for his play Double cross ]; some of it cut and pasted from another copy; lacking the first 11 pages; with handwritten corrections, insertions, and excisions. |
P103/2/15/1/303 | Fragment draft of Thomas Kilroy's Christ Deliver Us! , with first part of Act 1. |
P103/2/5/3/118 | File of documents from the Gate Theatre production of Thomas Kilroy's Chekhov adaptation The seagull , running 8-[ ] March 1994. |
P103/2/5/3/116 | File of documents from the Irish Theatre Company production of Thomas Kilroy's Chekhov adaptation of The seagull , running 13-16 October 1981 at the Olympia Theatre (Dublin Theatre Festival). |
P103/2/5/3/119 | File of documents from the Pittsburgh Irish and Classical Theatre (PICT) production of Thomas Kilroy's Chekhov adaptation The seagull , running 9-25 August 2001 (City Theatre). |
P103/2/5/4/121 | File of correspondence mostly between Peter Fallon, The Gallery Press, Loughcrew, County Meath, and Thomas Kilroy, regarding the publication of his Chekhov adaptation The seagull (1993). |
P103/2/5/3/117 | Printed programme and flier from the New Cross Theatre production of Thomas Kilroy's Chekhov adaptation The seagull , running 17-28 March [1992] (part of the Irish Arts Festival in London). |
P103/2/5/6/124 | File of fragmentary drafts by Thomas Kilroy for a screen version of his Chekhov adaptation of The seagull . |
P103/2/5/4/120 | File of documents regarding the publication of Thomas Kilroy's Chekhov adaptation The seagull by Methuen, in the Royal Court Writers series. |
P103/2/5/6/125 | Refill pad comprising a pasted and handwritten draft by Thomas Kilroy for a screen version of his Chekhov adaptation of The seagull , with a title page, in 88 scenes. |
P103/2/5/6/127 | File of fragmentary later drafts by Thomas Kilroy for a screen version of his Chekhov adaptation of The seagull , with three slightly varying endings. |
P103/2/5/4/122 | File of articles and a thesis, regarding Thomas Kilroy's adaptation of Chekhov's The Seagull . |
P103/2/5/6/129 | File of correspondence between Thomas Kilroy, The Irish Film Board, and private advisor Fred Haines, Dublin, regarding funding for a film based on Kilroy's Chekhov adaptation, The seagull . |
P103/2/5/6/130 | File of correspondence from Margaret Ramsay Ltd and successor Casarotto and Ramsay Ltd, with Thomas Kilroy, regarding various projects of filming his adaptation of Chekhov's The seagull . |
P103/2/5/6/126 | Copy of a later draft by Thomas Kilroy for a screen version of his Chekhov adaptation of The seagull , with title pages; in 99 scenes. |
P103/2/8/170 | Fragment typescript draft of Thomas Kilroy's play Dreaming House . |
P103/2/9/1/195 | Fragment of reworked draft by Thomas Kilroy of his play The Madame MacAdam Travelling Theatre ; based on immediately preceding drafts, with handwritten corrections. |
P103/2/6/1/141 | Typescript copy of Thomas Kilroy's play Double cross , in two parts. |
P103/2/6 | "Double cross" |
P103/2/5/6/131 | File of correspondence between Robert Cooper, Drama Producer, and other editors, BBC, Belfast, and Thomas Kilroy, regarding a feature-length film based on his adaptation of Chekhov's The seagull . |
P103/2/6/1/136 | Fragments "Second rough draft" by [Thomas Kilroy for his play Double cross ], parts are entitled "The Bracken Play: London" and "The Joyce Play: Berlin". |
P103/2/6/1/133 | File of typescript and handwritten draft fragments by Thomas Kilroy for both parts of his play Double cross , with extensive dialogue. |
P103/2/6/1/138 | File of later typescript draft fragments by [Thomas Kilroy for his play Double cross ]; the most extensive fragment is that of the first part ("The Bracken Play: London"), 28 pp; the two fragments of part two overlap and are from different drafts. |
P103/2/11/1/236 | Typescript draft (ringbound) by Thomas Kilroy of his play Wife to Mr.Wilde |
P103/2/8/171 | Fragment typescript draft of Thomas Kilroy's play Dreaming House . |
P103/2/6/1/140 | Typescript later draft by Thomas Kilroy for his play Double cross , split into the "Bracken Play" and the "Joyce Play", with a few handwritten corrections. |
P103/2/7/1/154 | Typescript and bound "first draft" of Thomas Kilroy's adaptation of Ibsen's Ghosts , including the cast list. |
P103/2/6/3/145 | Printed programme from the Famous Blue Raincoats production of Thomas Kilroy's Double Cross , on tour from 12 March (Ballybofey) to 11 May (Galway). |
P103/2/9/1/185 | Typescript "first draft" by Thomas Kilroy of his play The Madame MacAdam Travelling Theatre . |
P103/4/3 | Business (agents, theatres, broadcasters) |
P103/2/6/3/144 | File of records from the Boston Shakespeare Company and New Voices production of Thomas Kilroy's play Double Cross , running 3-26 April 1987, during the Northern Irish Theatre Festival. |
P103/2/6/4/147 | File of records regarding the publication of Thomas Kilroy's play Double Cross by Faber and Faber, London, in 1986. |
P103/2/6/3/146 | File of records from the Impact Theatre Company production of Thomas Kilroy's play Double Cross , on tour from 15 February (Kilmallock) to [ ] 2001 (Cork). |
P103/8/1/1/2/581 | Holograph letter from Peter Connolly, Maynooth, to Thomas Kilroy, agreeing to attend on Saturday, but hoping to keep his role small; he will contact T. |
P103/2/15/1/299 | Refill pad mostly with handwritten draft dialogue by Thomas Kilroy for his play Christ Deliver Us! Containing dialogue eventually used in Acts 1 and 2; enclosing one loose page. |
P103/2/13/1/273 | File of typescript drafts by Thomas Kilroy of Act 1 of his play The Shape of Metal , with some handwritten corrections. |
P103/2/13/1/276 | Typescript draft by Thomas Kilroy of his play The Shape of Metal , in two acts. |
P103/2/7 | "Ghosts" |
P103/2/7/1/159 | Typescript "Work on first draft - two-act version" of Thomas Kilroy's adaptation of Ibsen's Ghosts . |
P103/2/7/1/156 | Typescript and handwritten Act 2 of a reworked first draft of [Thomas Kilroy's adaptation of Ibsen's Ghosts ], with few handwritten corrections. |
P103/2/7/1/155 | Typescript fragment of reworked first draft of Thomas Kilroy's adaptation of Ibsen's Ghosts , with few handwritten corrections. |
P103/2/7/1/160 | Typescript draft or rehearsal script of Thomas Kilroy's adaptation of Ibsen's Ghosts , marked "typed by Michael Scott" [director of the first production by the Abbey Theatre]. |
P103/2/7/1/161 | Typescript draft or rehearsal script of Thomas Kilroy's adaptation of Ibsen's Ghosts. |
P103/2/7/1/158 | Typescript "Work on first draft toward a two-act play" of Thomas Kilroy's adaptation of Ibsen's Ghosts . |
P103/2/9/1/187 | File of three fragments of typescript drafts by Thomas Kilroy of his play The Madame MacAdam Travelling Theatre . |
P103/8/2/623 | File of correspondence and press cuttings, regarding Thomas Kilroy's nomination for the Booker Prize. |
P103/3/1/3/1/354 | Typescript draft (131 pp) of Thomas Kilroy's screenplay The Colleen and the Cowboy , with handwritten annotations and corrections, in 183 scenes. |
P103/3/1/3/347 | Typescript draft of Thomas Kilroy's radio play The Colleen and the Cowboy , in 31 scenes, with title page, and with handwritten annotations and excisions. |
P103/2/8/169 | File of early handwritten notes and draft fragments of Thomas Kilroy's play Dreaming House , centering on the figure of writer George Moore, set in London in the late 1920s. |
P103/2/9/5/2/208 | Typescript draft screenplay by Thomas Kilroy, (untitled) [based on the play The Madame MacAdam Travelling Theatre ], in 207 scenes. |
P103/2/9/1/179 | Handwritten draft by Thomas Kilroy for his play The MacAdam Travellers' Road Show [ The Madame MacAdam Travelling Theatre ]. |
P103/2/9/1/176 | Refill pad with handwritten notes by Thomas Kilroy for [his play The Madame MacAdam Travelling Theatre ], regarding Part 2. |
P103/2/7/3/166 | File of records regarding the Brown Penny Theatre Company production of Thomas Kilroy's adaptation of Ibsen's Ghosts , running [2002] in [Cork and on tour, including Longford]. |
P103/2/8/168 | File of research material compiled by Thomas Kilroy that may have informed his play Dreaming House [or the planned adaptation of A Drama in Muslin ]. |
P103/3/1/3/1/348 | File of handwritten notes and drafts by Thomas Kilroy for the screenplay of The Colleen and the Cowboy . |
P103/2/8/173 | Computer print-out from The Galway Advertiser , regarding the Mephisto Theatre Company production of Thomas Kilroy's play Dreaming House , 4 June 2011 at the National University of Ireland, Galway, directed by Tara McKevitt and starring Seamus O'Donnell, John O'Dowd. |
P103/2/11/1/235 | Fragment typescript draft by Thomas Kilroy of the beginning of his play The Secret Fall of Constance Wilde ; close to preceding draft, but with varying handwritten corrections. |
P103/8/1 | Academic: UCD studies, lectures, conferences and exhibitions |
P103/10/2/655 | Copy of journal Catholic Truth Quarterly (Dublin), collected by Thomas Kilroy. |
P103/2/9 | "The Madame MacAdam Travelling Theatre") |
P103/2/9/1/175 | Handwritten notes (from a refill pad) by Thomas Kilroy regarding various issues; partly for his play The Madame MacAdam Travelling Theatre . |
P103/2/9/1/177 | File of fragment handwritten notes and drafts by Thomas Kilroy for his play The Madame MacAdam Travelling Theatre. |
P103/2/9/1/182 | Full handwritten "rough draft" by Thomas Kilroy of his play The Madame MacAdam Travelling Theatre , with title, list of cast, Parts 1 and 2. |
P103/2/9/1/178 | Handwritten sketches of dialogue by Thomas Kilroy for his play The Madame MacAdam Travelling Theatre , some of them eventually not used. |
P103/2/9/1/186 | Typescript and handwritten "second draft" by Thomas Kilroy of his play The Madame MacAdam Travelling Theatre , with title pages. |
P103/3/1/1/321 | Fragmentary handwritten and typescript notes and draft of [Thomas Kilroy's radio play The Door ], with the handwritten pages interspersed in an earlier typescript draft which was repaginated. |
P103/2/10/3/221 | Typed "post-production script A" of Thomas Kilroy's adaptation of Pirandello's Six Characters in Search of an Author ; complete text. |
P103/2/9/1/183 | Fragment of typescript draft by Thomas Kilroy of his play The Madame MacAdam Travelling Theatre , Part 1, with handwritten corrections and cuts. |
P103/2/9/1/189 | Reworked copy of typescript draft by Thomas Kilroy of his play The Madame MacAdam Travelling Theatre , marked "early draft only". |
P103/2/9/1/184 | Typescript and handwritten draft by Thomas Kilroy of his play The Madame MacAdam Travelling Theatre , Part 1, with title pages. |
P103/2/12/2/4/266 | Typescript letter signed by Peter Fallon [The Gallery Press, County Meath], to Thomas Kilroy. |
P103/2/9/5/2/207 | First part of typescript working draft of Thomas Kilroy's screenplay Madame MacAdam's Travelling Theatre , in the beginning closely resembling the preceding draft. |
P103/2/11/1/226 | File of extensive copies from [Anne Clark Amor] Mrs Oscar Wilde [1988], collected by Thomas Kilroy in preparation of his play The Secret Fall of Constance Wilde . |
P103/10/2/663 | Copy of Prompts - Bulletin of the Irish Theatre Archive [Dublin], collected by Thomas Kilroy. |
P103/2/13/1/274 | File of typescript drafts by Thomas Kilroy of Act 2 of his play The Shape of Metal . |
P103/2/9/5/2/210 | Part of typescript draft screenplay by Thomas Kilroy (untitled) [based on the play The Madame MacAdam Travelling Theatre ], with the scenes 1 to 113 (breaks off at a scene with the theatre troupe. |
P103/2/9/1/192 | Typescript draft by Thomas Kilroy of his play The Madame MacAdam Travelling Theatre , including previously used dialogue between "Madame" and "Lyle Jones", early in Scene 2, and again in Scene 6 (at the race track). |
P103/2/9/1/194 | Typescript draft by Thomas Kilroy of his play The Madame MacAdam Travelling Theatre , with few handwritten corrections or cuts variant from the previous draft. |
P103/2/9/5/2/211 | Part of typescript draft screenplay by Thomas Kilroy (untitled) [based on the play The Madame MacAdam Travelling Theatre ], with the scenes 1 to 119 (breaks off at a scene with "Rabe" and "Madame". |
P103/2/15/1/306 | Fragment of typescript draft of Thomas Kilroy's Christ Deliver Us! , Act 2. |
P103/2/13/1/272 | Early typescript draft by Thomas Kilroy of the opening of his play The Shape of Metal , missing first page but including title page and list of characters, with some handwritten corrections. |
P103/2/11/1/224 | File of handwritten notes and copies of printed works, collected by Thomas Kilroy. |
P103/2/9/1/197 | Typescript draft by Thomas Kilroy of his play The Madame MacAdam Travelling Theatre , based to about two-thirds on the printed text (Methuen, 1991), and for the rest on a typescript draft. |
P103/2/9/4/201 | File of correspondence between Thomas Kilroy, his literary agents, and Methuen (particularly Mary O'Donoghue), London, regarding the publication of his play The Madame MacAdam Travelling Theatre , by Methuen (1991). |
P103/2/9/5/2/205 | File of typescript synopses (and many fragments) of a film based on Thomas Kilroy's play The Madame MacAdam Travelling Theatre . |
P103/2/9/3/200 | File of records regarding the Irish Repertory Theatre's production (New York) of Thomas Kilroy's play The Madame MacAdamTravelling Theatre , running 6-[ ] October 1992. |
P103/2/9/4/202 | File relating to the French translation of Thomas Kilroy's play The Madame MacAdam Travelling Theatre by Émile-Jean Dumay (rendered Les théâtreaux se mettent au vert ); including correspondence between the translator and the author; typescript translation (79 pp). |
P103/2/9/5/2/209 | Part of typescript draft screenplay by Thomas Kilroy (untitled) [based on the play The Madame MacAdam Travelling Theatre ], with the scenes 82 to 207 (very near the end). |
P103/2/10/1/217 | Typescript first half of early draft of Thomas Kilroy's adaptation of Pirandello's Six Characters in Search of an Author ; with handwritten corrections, and including the mise-en-scène. |
P103/2/9/5/2/206 | Typescript draft screenplay (ringbound) by Thomas Kilroy entitled Madame MacAdam's Travelling Theatre , based on his play The Madame MacAdam Travelling Theatre , with a description of the setting, list of characters, and in 225 scenes. |
P103/2/10/1/214 | Typescript translations by [ ] of [Luigi Pirandello's play Six Characters in Search of an Author ], and of his preface, beginning "A very smart little servant, not inexperienced, has been serving my art. |
P103/2/9/5/2/212 | Part of typescript draft screenplay by Thomas Kilroy (untitled) [based on the play The Madame MacAdam Travelling Theatre ], with the scenes 1 to 116 (breaks off at a scene with "Rabe" and "Madame". |
P103/2/10 | Luigi Pirandello's "Six Characters in Search of an Author" |
P103/2/10/1/215 | Handwritten (34 pp) draft by [Thomas Kilroy for his adaptation of Luigi Pirandello's Six Characters in Search of an Author ]. |
P103/2/13/1/268 | Writing pad with handwritten research notes by Thomas Kilroy, quoting from unnamed texts about the sculptor Giacommetti, and particular works by him, such as Woman with Chariot. |
P103/2/11/1/232 | Writing pad |
P103/2/10/3/222 | Typed "post-production script B" of Thomas Kilroy's adaptation of Pirandello's Six Characters in Search of an Author , without the front matter. |
P103/2/12/1/1/253 | Typescript draft by Thomas Kilroy of the first Act of his play My Scandalous Life . |
P103/2/10/2/218 | File of documents related to the Abbey Theatre rehearsals of Thomas Kilroy's adaptation of Pirandello's Six Characters in Search of an Author . |
P103/2/12/2/1/259 | Typescript draft (27 pp) by Thomas Kilroy of his play My Scandalous Life in the one-act version. |
P103/2/10/1/216 | Typescript early draft by Thomas Kilroy, for his adaptation of Pirandello's Six Characters in Search of an Author ; missing list of characters and first page, and stopping short of the end by a few pages (p. |
P103/2/11 | "The secret fall of Constance Wilde" |
P103/2/15/3/314 | File of documents regarding the publication of Thomas Kilroy's play Christ Deliver Us! By The Gallery Press. |
P103/2/12/1/1/249 | File of notes and drafts by Thomas Kilroy in preparation of his play My Scandalous Life , mostly handwritten. |
P103/2/10/3/220 | Typed "post-production script" of Thomas Kilroy's adaptation of Pirandello's Six Characters in Search of an Author , including title, list of characters and details about the first production in 1996. |
P103/2/13/3/280 | Printed list of tour dates of the Tryater production of Thomas Kilroy's play The Shape of Metal , running 9 October - 15 December 2007, in various locations in the Netherlands. |
P103/2/11/1/230 | Writing pad with handwritten draft dialogue by [Thomas Kilroy for his play The Secret Fall of Constance Wilde ], beginning with "Wilde" and puppets representing his two sons [not eventually in the printed play], and some dialogue by "Cyril". |
P103/2/12/1/1/252 | Typescript draft by Thomas Kilroy of his play My Scandalous Life in the two-act version. |
P103/2/11/1/227 | Writing pad with handwritten notes and draft dialogue by Thomas Kilroy for his play The Secret Fall of Constance Wilde , entitled "Dorian G. |
P103/2/13/1/275 | Typescript draft by Thomas Kilroy of his play The Shape of Metal . |
P103/2/13/1/267 | File of research material compiled by Thomas Kilroy in preparation of his play The Shape of Metal . |
P103/2/11/1/229 | Fragment of handwritten notes by [Thomas Kilroy for his play The Secret Fall of Constance Wilde ], missing the first part [pages taken out]. |
P103/2/11/1/233 | Fragments of early typescript draft by Thomas Kilroy of his play [ The Secret Fall of Constance Wilde ]; with the beginning of Part One, and of Part Two. |
P103/2/11/1/231 | Notebook with handwritten draft dialogue by Thomas Kilroy for his play The Secret Fall of Constance Wilde , beginning with stage directions and dialogue - all seemingly pertaining to Part Two of the printed version. |
P103/2/12 | "My Scandalous Life" |
P103/3/2/7/394 | Typescript draft of Thomas Kilroy's television play Gold in the Streets , in 23 scenes; a photocopy of material cut and pasted from previous drafts. |
P103/2/12/2/1/257 | Typescript draft (44 pp) of Thomas Kilroy's play My Scandalous Life , in the one-act version, with handwritten corrections and annotations. |
P103/2/13/1/269 | Writing pad |
P103/2/12/2/1/258 | File of typescript drafts by Thomas Kilroy of his play My Scandalous Life in the one-act version. |
P103/2/11/3/243 | File of records regarding the Celtic Arts Centre (Studio City, California) production of Thomas Kilroy's play The Secret Fall of Constance Wilde , running 6 April - 12 May 2002. |
P103/2/11/4/247 | Typescript essay (8 pp) by Thomas Kilroy entitled "The Wildean Triangle" and marked as a Thomas Davis Lecture; with a copy. |
P103/3/2/2/373 | Two typescript duplicates (42 pp) of Thomas Kilroy's [television play Farmers ], with front matter setting the scene and listing characters, including the couples "Peter" and "Judith", "Sean" and "Nuala". |
P103/2/11/4/245 | File of documents concerning the publication of Thomas Kilroy's play The Secret Fall of Constance Wilde by The Gallery Press (1997). |
P103/2/11/4/246 | File of correspondence between Thomas Kilroy and editor Annette Roche Wenda (for Judy Friel), and The Abbey Theatre, regarding the publication of his play The Secret Fall of Constance Wilde as part of New Plays from the Abbey Theatre vol. |
P103/2/13/2/277 | File of correspondence between Thomas Kilroy and various theatre companies and producers, and a private person, regarding Thomas Kilroy's play The Shape of Metal . |
P103/2/12/1/1/254 | Typescript draft by Thomas Kilroy of the second Act of his play My Scandalous Life , missing first eight pages. |
P103/2/12/1/1/251 | File of four typescript drafts by Thomas Kilroy for the second part of his play [ My Scandalous Life ]. |
P103/2/13 | "The shape of metal" |
P103/3/1/2/333 | Handwritten early draft with typescript annotations by Thomas Kilroy for his radio play That Man Bracken , entitled "Scene one" and beginning "Sound of severe blitz over London, late Spring 1941". |
P103/2/15/1/309 | Typescript draft ("rough draft") of Thomas Kilroy's play Christ Deliver Us! , with title cover and "projected list of characters". |
P103/10/1/645 | File of theatre/ opera programmes from UK productions, collected by Thomas Kilroy. |
P103/2/12/2/1/261 | Typescript bound copy of Thomas Kilroy's play My Scandalous Life - a one-man play ,
in the one-act version. |
P103/2/12/2/1/262 | Typescript "Draft B" of Thomas Kilroy's play My Scandalous Life , in the one-act version. |
P103/3/1/1/323 | Fragments of a further typescript draft of Thomas Kilroy's radio play The Door ; also listing three alternative titles ( His Grip on my Left Thumb , Say Hello to Johnny , The Day They Took Johnny Away ). |
P103/2/12/2/2/264 | File of correspondence with theatre practitioners, regarding Thomas Kilroy's play My Scandalous Life [one-act version]. |
P103/4/1/1/1/491 | Typed copy of second draft of Conor McPherson's play Port Authority . |
P103/2/15/1/304 | Draft (31 pp) of Thomas Kilroy's Christ Deliver Us! , constituting first half of Act 1. |
P103/2/12/2/1/263 | Typescript "Draft B" of Thomas Kilroy's play My Scandalous Life , in the one-act version, with added comment "without Eileen disclosures". |
P103/2/15 | "Christ deliver us!" |
P103/2/14/1/284 | Writing pad |
P103/2/15/1/305 | Draft of Thomas Kilroy's Christ Deliver Us! , comprising all of Act 1 (paginated). |
P103/3/1/2/335 | Handwritten early draft by Thomas Kilroy for his radio play That Man Bracken , beginning with "Narrator one": "this is the story of a man who invented himself". |
P103/2/15/1/296 | File of photocopies of Edward Bond's and Eric Bentley's respective published translations of Frank Wedekind's Spring Awakening [ Spring's Awakening in Bentley's version], with prefatory material. |
P103/2/13/1/271 | File with two early typescript drafts by Thomas Kilroy of the opening of his play The Shape of Metal , with many handwritten corrections and insertions. |
P103/3/1/2/334 | Handwritten early draft by Thomas Kilroy for his radio play That Man Bracken , entitled "Scene two", beginning "The sound of a typewriter". |
P103/2/14/1/283 | File of documents from research by Thomas Kilroy, towards his adaptation of Luigi Pirandello's Henry IV . |
P103/3/1/2/341 | File of records from the BBC Radio production of Thomas Kilroy's radio play That Man Bracken , broadcast on Radio 3 (BBC), 20 June 1986 (7. |
P103/3/1/2/330 | File of loose draft fragments by Thomas Kilroy [for his radio play That man Bracken ]; containing some character sketches, and first trials of dialogue. |
P103/2/15/1/308 | First entire typescript draft of Thomas Kilroy's play Christ Deliver Us! [Paginated. |
P103/2/14/1/289 | Typescript draft of Thomas Kilroy's adaptation of Luigi Pirandello's Henry IV , entitled Henry - a play (a version of Pirandello's Henry IV) , in two acts. |
P103/2/14/1/287 | Typescript draft of Act 2 of Thomas Kilroy's adaptation of Luigi Pirandello's Henry IV , unfinished, with handwritten corrections and annotations. |
P103/2/13/4/282 | File of records regarding the publication of Thomas Kilroy's play The Shape of Metal by The Gallery Press (2003). |
P103/2/13/3/279 | File of documents relating to the Origin Theatre Company and The Sullivan Project (New York) production of Thomas Kilroy's play The Shape of Metal , running 6 -30 September 2007, at the 59E59 Theatre. |
P103/2/13/3/281 | Printed agreement for an amateur performance, issued by Thomas Kilroy's literary agents Alan Brodie representation Ltd, London, for a production of Kilroy's play The Shape of Metal by the Friars' Gate Theatre and Arts, Kilmallock, County Limerick, to run from 26 February - 8 March 2009. |
P103/2/14 | Pirandello's "Henry" |
P103/2/14/1/291 | Typescript draft of Thomas Kilroy's adaptation of Luigi Pirandello's Enrico IV , entitled Henry - a play (inspired by Pirandello's Enrico IV , in two acts. |
P103/3/1/1/324 | Typescript of The Door- a radio play by [Thomas Kilroy], as entered into a BBC competition and with entry number 64; with title page and list of characters. |
P103/3/2/3/378 | Typescript outline for a screenplay by Thomas Kilroy entitled Grange Park or The Turning of the Key . |
P103/2/14/1/285 | File of two consecutive early typescript drafts by Thomas Kilroy of his adaptation of Luigi Pirandello's Henry IV ; with draft dialogue for Act 1; with handwritten corrections and annotations. |
P103/2/14/1/286 | Typescript draft of Act 1 of Thomas Kilroy's adaptation of Luigi Pirandello's Henry IV , with some handwritten corrections and insertions. |
P103/2/14/1/288 | First complete typescript draft of Thomas Kilroy's adaptation of Luigi Pirandello's "Enrico I""'. |
P103/3/2/6/385 | File of early handwritten draft dialogue fragments by Thomas Kilroy for his screenplay The Women and Mr. |
P103/2/15/1/300 | Refill pad with handwritten draft dialogue by Thomas Kilroy for his play Christ Deliver Us! Including a list of the three acts and respective scenes in Wedekind's original play, and (halfway through the pad) two drafts of headings for the new play. |
P103/3/2/9/405 | File of handwritten and typescript working notes and progressive drafts by Thomas Kilroy for the documentary film Famine Ship . |
P103/2/14/3/294 | Covering letter signed Stephen Sultan of Dramatists Play Service, Inc. |
P103/2/15/2/311 | File of documents relating to a planned production of Thomas Kilroy's play Christ Deliver Us! , by Classic Stage Ireland. |
P103/2/15/1/301 | File of short handwritten and typescript fragments of notes and drafts by Thomas Kilroy, towards his play Christ Deliver Us! Including a page listing 19 scenes for his play, naming characters and some themes, such as "natural", "casual violence", "knowledge". |
P103/3/1/1/327 | File of press cuttings regarding Thomas Kilroy's radio play The Door (broadcast in January 1968 as Say Hello to Johnny ), with a preview by Augustine Martin, and notices (all undated) about Kilroy receiving the first prize for a BBC play competition. |
P103/8/1/3/616 | File of documents from Thomas Kilroy's lecture at Butler House, Kilkenny. |
P103/3/1/3/1/353 | Typescript "Draft 2" (113 pp) of Thomas Kilroy's screenplay The Colleen and the Cowboy , in 154 scenes. |
P103/3/1/4/369 | Printed correspondence between Thomas Kilroy and Jesper Bergman, dramaturg RTE, and Kevin Reynolds [RTE], regarding his radio play In the Garden of the Asylum . |
P103/3/1/1/322 | Handwritten draft of a radio play by Thomas Kilroy, entitled The Door , with title page and list of characters. |
P103/8/2/622 | File of correspondence and press cuttings regarding Thomas Kilroy being awarded the Guardian Fiction Prize. |
P103/2/15/2/312 | File of documents relating to Thomas Kilroy's first offer of his play Christ Deliver Us! to the Abbey Theatre. |
P103/3/1/2/339 | Two copies of the broadcast version of Thomas Kilroy's radio play That Man, Bracken (68 pp). |
P103/3/1/1/326 | Front matter for a copy of Thomas Kilroy's play The Door- a play for radio , listing his literary agents Margaret Ramsay Ltd. |
P103/3/1/3/345 | File of fragmentary typescript drafts of Thomas Kilroy's radio play The Colleen and the Cowboy . |
P103/3/2/8/401 | Typescript television play by Thomas Kilroy entitled Come, Let us Kiss and Part . |
P103/3/1/3/1/351 | Fragment typescript draft of Thomas Kilroy's screenplay The Colleen and the Cowboy , with few handwritten annotations and corrections. |
P103/3/1/3/1/350 | Fragment typescript draft of Thomas Kilroy's screenplay The Colleen and the Cowboy , with handwritten annotations and corrections, in 180 scenes. |
T4/1/2/11/790 | Copy letter from Marie Reddan to Thomas Kilroy, expressing her pleasure that he has agreed to launch the archive on 20 October. |
P103/3/1/1/328 | File of correspondence between Thomas Kilroy, his literary agents, radio producers in the UK, the Netherlands, Switzerland, regarding his radio play The Door . |
P103/3/1/4/364 | Typescript draft by Thomas Kilroy of his radio play In the Garden of the Asylum , with a page listing characters and setting the scene. |
P103/3/1/2/329 | File of loose, fragmented notes kept by Thomas Kilroy, in preparation of the radio play That man Bracken . |
P103/3/1/2/336 | Fragment of draft by Thomas Kilroy for his radio play That Man Bracken , lacking the beginning and some middle parts. |
P103/3/1/2/338 | Three copies of a late typescript draft by Thomas Kilroy for his radio play That Man Bracken ; seemingly identical to preceding draft, but two of these bear some handwritten corrections later taken over into the version that was broadcast by the B. |
P103/3/1/3/346 | Typescript draft of Thomas Kilroy's radio play The Colleen and the Cowboy , with some handwritten annotations and corrections. |
P103/4/1/1/1/498 | File of records regarding Ciarán Ruby's play Six by Sundown . |
P103/10/2/665 | Copy of magazine Théâtre en Europe (Paris), collected by Thomas Kilroy. |
P103/3/1/3/1/356 | Typescript draft of Thomas Kilroy's screenplay The Colleen and the Cowboy , with handwritten annotations and corrections, title page and character list, in 169 scenes. |
P103/3/1/4/367 | Typescript draft by Thomas Kilroy of his radio play In the Garden of the Asylum , with 3 pp of handwritten notes and a handwritten inset (p. |
P103/3/1/3/1/357 | File of correspondence between Thomas Kilroy and his literary agent, Alan Brodie of Alan Brodie Representations, London, regarding the screenplay The Colleen and the Cowboy . |
P103/3/1/3/342 | File of documents gathered by Thomas Kilroy in preparation for his radio play The Colleen and the Cowboy . |
P103/3/1/4/365 | "Final draft" (typescript) by Thomas Kilroy of In the Garden of the Asylum- a play for radio , including title page and list of characters. |
P103/3/1/3/1/352 | Fragment typescript draft of Thomas Kilroy's screenplay The Colleen and the Cowboy , missing the beginning; with few handwritten annotations and corrections, in 183 scenes. |
P103/3/1/4/363 | File of partial typescript drafts by Thomas Kilroy of his radio play In the Garden of the Asylum . |
P103/3/1/3/1/355 | Fragment typescript draft of Thomas Kilroy's screenplay The Colleen and the Cowboy , with one handwritten marking on p. |
P103/3/1/3/1/358 | File of correspondence between Thomas Kilroy and The Irish Film Board, regarding the film project for his screenplay The Colleen and the Cowboy . |
P103/3/1/3/344 | Refill pad (and loose material) with handwritten draft dialogue by Thomas Kilroy for his radio play The Colleen and the Cowboy . |
P103/3/1/4/368 | Typescript draft marked "Rehearsal Script" by Thomas Kilroy of his radio play In the Garden of the Asylum , with a page listing characters and setting the scene. |
P103/3/1/4/360 | File of material collected by Thomas Kilroy [in preparation of his radio play In the Garden of the Asylum ]. |
P103/3/1/3/343 | Handwritten notes and draft dialogue by Thomas Kilroy for his radio play The Colleen and the Cowboy . |
P103/3/1/4/361 | Fragment of a handwritten draft summary of Thomas Kilroy's radio play In the Garden of the Asylum . |
P103/3/1/4/362 | Refill pad |
P103/3/2/8/399 | File of records regarding a draft television play by Thomas Kilroy entitled Super Ten Days in Majorca . |
P103/3/1/4/366 | Typescript draft entitled "final version- rehearsal" by Thomas Kilroy of his radio play In the Garden of the Asylum , with a page listing characters and setting the scene. |
P103/3/2/3/379 | Typescript "first draft screenplay" by Thomas Kilroy entitled The Turning of the Key , based on a story by Ciarin Scott. |
P103/3/2/7/398 | Press cuttings regarding Thomas Kilroy's television play Gold in the Streets ; a television listing for the showing, and a review by Brendan Glacken of the series of three plays from [ The Irish Times ], entitled "Dramatic duets". |
P103/8/1/2/599 | File of handwritten notes pertaining to lectures about Anglo-Irish, and Irish writing and drama, by Thomas Kilroy. |
P103/8/1/3/609 | Entry form for the First International Colloquium of Screenplay Literature, Brussels, filled in for Thomas Kilroy, proposing the paper "Language and Visual Images on the Stage". |
P103/8/1/1/2/586 | Typescript letter signed Valerie Fletcher, Secretary to Mr.[T.S.] Eliot |
P103/3/1/5/371 | Typescript draft radio script by Thomas Kilroy entitled The Stories of Mary Lavin . |
T22/1/7/2 | Uncle Vanya |
P103/3/2/2/374 | Typescript copy of Thomas Kilroy's television play Farmers , with title page, and other front matter setting the scene and listing characters. |
P103/3/2/3/380 | Typescript letter signed Ciarin Scott, Scotia Film Productions Limited, Dublin, to Thomas Kilroy, Dublin, attaching a document for signature regarding Kilroy's screenplay for a feature film; asking to return it. |
P103/3/2/2/376 | File of correspondence between Thomas Kilroy, his literary agents Margaret Ramsay Ltd, and the BBC, regarding his play Farmers . |
P103/3/2/3/377 | Notebook |
P103/3/2/4/381 | File of records regarding a proposition for a television play by Thomas Kilroy, with the provisional title Ring-a-Ring-a-Rosy [1979]. |
P103/9/640 | File of articles, partly in draft, by Anthony Roche, regarding Thomas Kilroy, his life and work. |
P103/8/1/2/594 | File of documents pertaining to lectures on W. |
P103/3/2/6/384 | File of 29 colour photographs (12. |
P103/3/2/6/388 | Reworked typescript draft by Thomas Kilroy for his screenplay The Women and Mr. |
P103/8/1/1/1/568 | File of research notes and essay by Thomas Kilroy, pertaining to studies at UCD for a Master of Art-degree. |
P103/6/2/550 | File of press cuttings and excerpts collected by Thomas Kilroy, for their interest regarding The Abbey Theatre. |
P103/3/2/7/392 | Typescript draft of Thomas Kilroy's television play Gold in the Streets , cut and pasted from previous drafts, and with some handwritten corrections, and excisions; with title page and list of characters; in 24 scenes. |
T5/7/506 | Typescript press release from the Galway Arts Festival, printed on headed paper. |
P103/3/2/7/391 | File of handwritten and typescript documents centering on a "first draft" for Thomas Kilroy's television play entitled The Gold in the Streets [later Gold in the Streets ]. |
P103/3/2/9/404 | File of printed material collected by Thomas Kilroy while researching for the television documentary Famine Ship . |
P103/3/2/7/397 | File of black and white "RTÉ stills photographs" from the set of Thomas Kilroy's play Gold in the Streets ; all bearing the same caption with a programme note on the play. |
P103/3/2/8/402 | File of handwritten and typescript draft fragments of an untitled television play by Thomas Kilroy, set in the Dublin city and county, centering on the characters "J. |
P103/8 | Documents for a personal biography |
P103/6 | Abbey Theatre |
P103/3/2/9/406 | File of correspondence between Thomas Kilroy, David Shaw-Smith and others at Parzival Productions, Galway, regarding Kilroy's writing for their production the film Famine Ship . |
P103/8/2/624 | File of correspondence and press cuttings, regarding Thomas Kilroy being awarded the Royal Society of Literature (Heinemann bequest) for The Big Chapel . |
P103/3/2/8/403 | Draft synopsis for a [television play] by Thomas Kilroy, with the provisional title The Family Album , with the theme of the prodigal son, set in a family of four. |
P103/4/3/532 | Typescript letter signed by Lynne Parker, Rough Magic Theatre Company, Dublin, to Thomas Kilroy, referring to an event at The Gate [Theatre] and inviting him to see their production at the Project [Arts Centre]. |
P103/8/1/2/596 | File of handwritten and photocopied documents pertaining to lectures about Sean O'Casey, by Thomas Kilroy. |
P103/4/1/3/518 | Typescript letter from Enda McEvoy, Sunday Independent, to Thomas Kilroy, UCG. |
P103/3/2/10/409 | File of handwritten and typescript working notes by Thomas Kilroy for the documentary on Brian Friel. |
P103/3/2/10/407 | File of typescript documents from research, collected (and partially written) by Thomas Kilroy, towards writing a film documentary about Brian Friel. |
P103/8/1/2/592 | File of handwritten and photocopied (printed) documents pertaining to lectures on Elizabethan and Jacobean dramatists and poets, given by Thomas Kilroy. |
P103/4/3/528 | Typescript letter from Geraldine Cook, literary editor, at publishing house Penguin Books Ltd, London (UK), to Thomas Kilroy, stating in reply that they will be very interested in reading any plays he might send, as well as a novel he is working on at the moment. |
P103/8/1/2/593 | File of handwritten notes pertaining to lectures on Restoration and 18th-century drama, given by Thomas Kilroy. |
P103/10/2/661 | Copies of magazine Plays and Players (London), collected by Thomas Kilroy. |
P103/4/2/523 | File of correspondence between Thomas Kilroy and a number of programme directors and others at the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC), regarding various writing and other engagements with them; laying down parameters for writing radio plays. |
P103/4/3/524 | File of correspondence between Thomas Kilroy and Charles Monteith, Frank [Pike] and others at the publishing house Faber and Faber Ltd, London, regarding general matters such as royalties. |
P103/9 | Criticism regarding Thomas Kilroy |
P103/4/3/527 | File of correspondence between Thomas Kilroy and various directors at publishing house Methuen, London (UK), regarding their publications of his work (where not contained in the respective files), and an introduction commissioned for Ben Kiely's The Captain With The Whiskers (2004). |
P103/4/3/531 | File of correspondence between Thomas Kilroy and Jim Nolan, and others, at Red Kettle Theatre Company, Waterford, regarding collaboration (where such letters are not contained in the respective files). |
P103/6/1/547 | Correspondence between Thomas Kilroy and various managers at The National Theatre Society Ltd. |
P103/6/2/552 | File of printed programmes, fliers and posters from theatre productions by The Abbey Theatre, collected by Thomas Kilroy. |
P103/8/1/1/2/571 | File of typescript notices from the English Literature Society, UCD, for ordinary and special meetings of the Society, always featuring a guest speaker or more. |
P103/4/3/533 | File of correspondence between Thomas Kilroy and The English Stage Company Ltd (The Royal Court Theatre), London (UK), regarding future collaboration (where such letters are not contained in the respective files). |
P103/4/3/534 | File of correspondence between Thomas Kilroy and his literary (prose) agents Anthony Sheil Associates Ltd, London (UK), their successors Sheil Land Ltd, their representatives Wallace, Aitken and Sheil Inc (US), and solicitors and other agents working on Kilroy's behalf, regarding the publication and other placement of his prose writings, particularly the novels The Big Chapel , Angela , and Quirke . |
P103/8/1/1/2/577 | Holograph letter from Harriet Waugh, North Dursley, Gloucestershire (England), to "dear Sir" [Thomas Kilroy], writing on behalf of her father [Evelyn] and regretting that his condition makes it impossible he accept their invitation to Dublin. |
P103/8/1/2/598 | File of handwritten notes pertaining to lectures about Samuel Beckett's drama and novels, by Thomas Kilroy. |
P103/7/3/567 | File of documents, including press reviews, interview and essays, collected by Thomas Kilroy for their interest regarding the Field Day Theatre Company. |
P103/7 | The Field Day Theatre Company |
P103/8/1/1/2/570 | Typescript playbill from the UCD Dramatic Society, with listings for productions of Michael Sweetman's Whether to Dine and John Steinbeck's Of Mice and Men (adapted by Augustine Martin). |
P103/6/2/548 | File of records regarding a petition supporting the development of The Abbey Theatre in its present location (against plans of relocating it), prepared by Thomas Kilroy and Brian Friel and published in the Irish Press on 14 May. |
P103/8/1/2/591 | File of handwritten notes pertaining to lectures on Shakespearean drama, given by Thomas Kilroy. |
P103/7/1/557 | File of correspondence between Thomas Kilroy and administrators and other board members of the Field Day Theatre Company, Derry, mostly of documents circulated among members. |
P103/8/1/1/2/579 | Holograph postcard from Denis Johnston, Dublin, to Thomas Kilroy Esq, agreeing to the date of 7 December. |
P103/8/1/2/590 | File of notes and documents (typescript and handwritten) pertaining to lectures on drama, given by Thomas Kilroy. |
P103/8/1/1/3/589 | Printed copies of The Student - a magazine of university life , published at University College Dublin, with Thomas Kilroy as sub-editor in November 1955, editor December 1955, sub-editor November/December 1956 and March 1957. |
P103/7/1/554 | File of correspondence between Thomas Kilroy and administrators and other board members of the Field Day Theatre Company, Derry, mostly of documents circulated among members. |
P103/7/1/560 | File of correspondence between Thomas Kilroy and administrators and other board members of the Field Day Theatre Company, Derry, mostly of documents circulated among members. |
P103/7/1/561 | File of correspondence between Thomas Kilroy and administrators and other board members of the Field Day Theatre Company, Derry, mostly of documents circulated among members. |
P103/7/1/558 | File of correspondence between Thomas Kilroy and administrators and other board members of the Field Day Theatre Company, Derry, mostly of documents circulated among members. |
P103/7/1/559 | File of correspondence between Thomas Kilroy and administrators and other board members of the Field Day Theatre Company, Derry, mostly of documents circulated among members. |
P103/8/1/3/606 | File of documents regarding Thomas Kilroy's participation in the International Writers' Conference, Dublin (14-16 June); including correspondence; itinerary; conference programme listing Kilroy's session for 16 June. |
P103/8/1/2/600 | File of handwritten notes pertaining to lectures about modern British drama, and modern drama in general (non-Irish), and few notes about modern poetry, by Thomas Kilroy. |
P103/8/1/3/604 | File of correspondence between Thomas Kilroy, English Department, Diarmuid ó Cearbhaill, Faculty of Commerce, University College Galway, with members of the faculties of English, and Social and Economic Sciences, Bamberg University, Germany, and with the German academic exchange organisation DAAD; discussing new scheme of academic exchange between the two universities, and applying for funding from the DAAD. |
P103/8/1/3/602 | File of documents (mostly photocopies) regarding Thomas Kilroy's participation in the exhibition "Forty Shades of Green: the Irish Republic", held in New York and Boston, and produced by Hallmark Gallery, New York. |
P103/8/1/1/1/569 | File of two references from Professors of English T. |
T4/1/1/28/234 | Material relating to the production of Talbot's Box by Thomas Kilroy at Ridgeway Street, directed by Ann O'Driscoll. |
P103/9/643 | File of press cuttings and copies of press items containing articles about Thomas Kilroy, and Irish theatre in the wider sense. |
P103/8/1/3/608 | File of documents regarding Thomas Kilroy and John McGahern's prose writing class at Lumb Bank (West Yorkshire, UK). |
P103/10/1/647 | File of theatre programmes of US productions, and theatre festivals, collected by Thomas Kilroy. |
P103/8/1/3/618 | File of documents regarding Thomas Kilroy's lectures in universities of the US (Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Washington D. |
P103/8/1/2/597 | File of handwritten notes pertaining to lectures about George Bernard Shaw, by Thomas Kilroy. |
P103/8/1/3/620 | File of documents regarding a nomination made by Thomas Kilroy for the Inamori Foundation's 2007 Kyoto Prize in Arts and Philosophy. |
P103/8/2/627 | File of correspondence and press cuttings, regarding Thomas Kilroy being awarded the Irish Times/ ESB Irish Theatre Awards (both for Best New Play, and a Special Tribute Award). |
P103/8/1/3/617 | File of documents regarding Thomas Kilroy's membership in the Cultures of Ireland Group [from 1991 to circa 1999]. |
P103/8/1/2/595 | File of handwritten and typed/ printed documents pertaining to lectures [and essays] on J. |
P103/11/667 | Black and white photographic portrait of Thomas Kilroy; bust and looking directly at the camera. |
P103/8/2/625 | File of correspondence and press cuttings, regarding Thomas Kilroy being awarded the Allied Irish Banks Award for Literature; with correspondence from the Irish Academy of Letters [facilitating the choice by the AIB]. |
P103/8/1/3/603 | File of copy correspondence from the Institute of Contemporary Arts, Dublin, for Thomas Kilroy, inviting him to contribute to an exposition of the Irish arts and culture in London (February/March 1980), by offering new drama material to a London theatre. |
P103/11 | Photographs |
P103/8/1/3/605 | File of correspondence and annual reports regarding Thomas Kilroy's residency at the Bellagio Study and Conference Centre, in February 1986. |
P103/9/641 | Two versions of Mary Ann Ryan's essay "Inappropriate Propriations: Gender and Agency in Thomas Kilroy's The O'Neill " (for a course in Colonial Discourse and Postcolonial Theory, institution not named). |
P103/8/1/3/607 | File of documents regarding Thomas Kilroy's participation in the International Association for the Study of Anglo-Irish Literature (Japan) conference in Kyoto (29-30 October), and preceding lecture tour in various Japanese cities. |
P103/8/1/3/611 | File of documents regarding Thomas Kilroy acting as judge on the panel of the European Community Literary Prizes. |
P103/8/1/3/612 | File of documents regarding Thomas Kilroy's participation in a conference held at Reims, France, Colloque de la SOFEIR, "The Irish and the Sense of Place". |
P103/8/1/3/615 | File of documents regarding Thomas Kilroy's participation in a colloquium at Charles de Gaulle-University, Lille, organised by the Centre d'Etudes et de Recherches Irlandaises de l'Université de Lille III (CERIUL). |
P103/10/1/646 | File of theatre programmes of productions in other European countries, collected by Thomas Kilroy. |
P103/9/631 | File of typed transcripts of interviews conducted with Thomas Kilroy. |
P103/8/2/626 | File of correspondence and press cuttings, regarding Thomas Kilroy being awarded the American-Irish Foundation Literary Award. |
P103/8/1/3/619 | File of documents regarding Thomas Kilroy's participation at the Salon Littéraire "Les Ecrivains en Provence", at Fuveau (France), from 1 to 4 September. |
P103/9/632 | File of articles, partly in draft, by Gerard Dawe, regarding Thomas Kilroy, his life and work. |
P103/9/633 | File of critical works by Thierry Dubost on Thomas Kilroy's writing, comprising Le Théâtre de Thomas Kilroy (published 2001, with covering letter); an essay on The Seagull (published 2002, with postcard); Kilroy's Vox - Reflections on the Theatre of Thomas Kilroy (with handwritten commentary by Kilroy, dateable after production of The Shape of Metal ). |
P103/10/2/660 | Copy of magazine The National Student (UCD), collected by Thomas Kilroy. |
P103/10/2/654 | Two copies of magazine Arena (Gorey, Wexford), collected by Thomas Kilroy. |
T4/1/1/36/310 | Programme for the Field Day Theatre Company's production of Double Cross by Thomas Kilroy at Ridgeway Street, directed by Jim Sheridan. |
P103/9/642 | Typescript essay by [Patrick Sheeran, Nina Fitzpatrick] entitled "Potatoes, Popes and Plays", regarding contemporary Irish dramatists and sectarianism in Northern Ireland. |
P103/8/2/628 | File of correspondence and press cuttings, regarding Thomas Kilroy being awarded the P. |
P103/10/1/644 | File of theatre programmes from Irish productions, collected by Thomas Kilroy. |
P103/10/1/649 | File of printed publications (book, exhibition catalogues) regarding the work of John Behan, sculptor, collected by Thomas Kilroy. |
P103/9/634 | File of critical works by Philomena Dunne on Thomas Kilroy's work; comprising her MA thesis Thomas Kilroy: the Quests Made and the Visions Formed in Three Plays, Talbot's Box, Double Cross, and The Secret Fall of Constance Wilde , and copy of essay "An Uncluttered Window - the Works of Thomas Kilroy" ( Studies vol. |
P103/10/1/648 | File of printed programmes and invitations collected by Thomas Kilroy, pertaining to visual arts exhibitions in London, Dublin, New York and Paris. |
P103/10/2 | Collected printed material: Collected Magazines (Literature, Theatre) |
P103/10/2/651 | File of printed broadsheets published by The Poetry Workshop UCD, collected by Thomas Kilroy. |
P103/10/2/657 | Copy of Drama - the Quarterly Theatre Review (London), collected by Thomas Kilroy. |
P103/11/668 | Black and white photograph of Thomas Kilroy, seated with book and looking off to the left, in the living room of his private house, County Dublin. |
T22/1/15/17 | The Shape of Metal |
T2 - Druid Theatre Company/1 Productions 1975 - 2013 /12/141 | 'The Playboy of the Western World' Written by J.M Synge |
T2 - Druid Theatre Company/2/7/430 | Press Cuttings Feb 1984 |
P103/11/670 | Black and white photograph, no captions, of Brian Friel and Thomas Kilroy. |
P103/2/15/1/310 | Typescript draft of Thomas Kilroy's Christ Deliver Us! , Act 1. |
P103/9/638 | Photocopy of a short biography of Thomas Kilroy by Christopher Murray (no publication details given). |
P103/2/2/3/70 | Printed programme of the Contemporary American Theatre Company (Columbus, Ohio); advertising for a production of Thomas Kilroy's play The Death and Resurrection of Mr.Roche |
P103/2/2/4/74 | File of documents concerning the translation into French of Thomas Kilroy's play The death and resurrection of Mr.Roche |
P103/2/3/1/75 | File of disparate, fragmented early handwritten drafts of the play Tea and sex and Shakespeare by [Thomas Kilroy]. |
P103/2/2/3/61 | File of documents regarding the Dublin Theatre Festival production of Thomas Kilroy's play The Death and Resurrection of Mr.Roche |
P103/2/3/1/79 | Later typescript draft of Thomas Kilroy's play Tea and sex and Shakespeare , with extensive handwritten corrections and instructions for fair typing. |
P103/2/4/3/100 | File of documents from the Red Kettle (Waterford) production of Thomas Kilroy's play Talbot's Box , running 2-17 September 1988 at the Garter Lane Theatre. |
P103/3/1/2/332 | File of early drafts by Thomas Kilroy for his radio play That Man Bracken , with scenes numbered 7 to 9, and entitled "The take-overs", "The right-honourable gentleman", "The dinner-party". |
P103/10/2/653 | Copy of magazine Asylum (Tralee, Kerry), collected by Thomas Kilroy. |
P103/9/637 | Photocopy of a short biography of Thomas Kilroy by Michael Mangan (no publication details given). |
P103/10/2/662 | Copy of The Poetry Ireland Review (Dublin), collected by Thomas Kilroy. |
P103/10/2/664 | Copies of magazine St.Stephens (UCD) |
T22/1/6/17 | Talbot's Box |
P103/10/2/658 | Copy of journal Force 10 (Sligo), collected by Thomas Kilroy. |
P103/3/1/2/337 | Two copies of late typescript drafts by Thomas Kilroy for his radio play That Man Bracken , bound. |
P103/2/5/1/111 | Handwritten draft by Thomas Kilroy, his adaptation of Chekhov's The Seagull ; comprising Acts 3 and 4. |
P103/1/2 | Early and short fiction drafts |
P103/9/636 | Typescript essay by Richard Pine entitled "Rough Edges- Commitment in Contemporary Irish Drama". |
P103/8/2 | Awards |
A44/5/5/1/5/44 | Letter from Boyle to Mrs. Wallace Buell |
P103/2/4/1/95 | Notebook kept by [Thomas Kilroy] with drafts for Farmers [RTÉ Television play, 1978] |
P103/7/1/553 | File of correspondence between Thomas Kilroy and administrators and other board members of the Field Day Theatre Company, Derry, coinciding with (and slightly preceding) his appointment to the board. |
P103/7/1/562 | File of correspondence between Thomas Kilroy and administrators and other board members of the Field Day Theatre Company, Derry, mostly of documents circulated among members. |
P103/1/1/1/2/12 | File of correspondence from John Smith, Anthony Shiels and others at Christy and Moore, Ltd. |
A44/5/5/1/6 | Jun - Dec 1981 |
P103/1/1/1/2/14 | File of correspondence from Charles Monteith and others at Faber and Faber Ltd. |
P103/1/1/1/3/18 | File of press cuttings and offprints from online texts, regarding Thomas Kilroy's The Big Chapel , the original book (1971) and the new edition (2009). |
P103/1/1/2/25 | File of printed documents regarding Thomas Kilroy's radio play The Big Chapel (based on his novel). |
P103/2/1 | "The O'Neill" |
P103/2/1/1/33 | Handwritten historical notes by [Thomas Kilroy], one page entitled "Vi[cissitudes] Of an Anglo-Irish family", with some notes about the Bagenals of Newry in the late 16th century; other giving a working title and notes on cast and background for the play. |
P103/2/1/1/39 | Typescript (mostly copy) draft by Thomas Kilroy of his play The O'Neill ; as P103/36, but lacking one page, and adding a note on writing and first performance of the play (1964 and 1969). |
P103/2/1/1/42 | Complete typescript draft of Thomas Kilroy's play The O'Neill [for The Gallery Press], including the Peacock Theatre list of cast from premiere on 30 May 1969. |
P103/2/1/2/43 | File of correspondence from theatre practitioners to Thomas Kilroy, in response to his play The O'Neill . |
P103/2/1/2/46 | File of correspondence from various employees at BBC Northern Ireland, Belfast, to Thomas Kilroy, regarding two attempts to have his play The O'Neill produced for radio. |
P103/2/1/3/47 | File of documents regarding the Abbey Theatre production of Thomas Kilroy's play The O'Neill , running 30 May - [ ] June 1969 on the Peacock Theatre stage. |
P103/2/2 | "The death and resurrection of Mr Roche" |
P103/2/2/1/52 | "Nassau" notebook kept by Thomas Kilroy with two drafts for a play. |
P103/2/2/1/53 | Fragment handwritten draft for a play by Thomas Kilroy (untitled)[ The Death and Resurrection of Mr.Roche] |
P103/2/2/1/54 | Early fragment manuscript and typescript draft by Thomas Kilroy of a play entitled The Death and Resurrection of Mr.Roche |
P103/2/2/2/57 | File of correspondence from senior theatre practitioners to Thomas Kilroy, in response to having read his play The Death and Resurrection of Mr.Roche |
P103/2/2/2/58 | File of correspondence between "Peggy" of Margaret Ramsay Ltd. |
P103/2/2/2/60 | File of other business and private correspondence between Thomas Kilroy and various producers, publishers, spectators, solicitors, regarding other productions of his play The Death and Resurrection of Mr.Roche |
P103/2/2/3/68 | File of documents regarding the Whole Theatre Company (New York) production of Thomas Kilroy's play The Death and Resurrection of Mr.Roche |
P103/2/3/1/81 | File of handwritten and typescript fragments of [revisions and/or drafts] for Thomas Kilroy's play Tea and sex and Shakespeare . |
P103/2/3/2/82 | File of correspondence between literary agents Margaret Ramsay Ltd. |
P103/2/3/2/83 | File of other correspondence between Thomas Kilroy and various producers, directors, and associates, in endeavours to stage his play Tea and Sex and Shakespeare . |
P103/2/3/3/84 | File of documents regarding The Abbey Theatre production of Thomas Kilroy's play Tea and sex and Shakespeare , running 6- [ ] October 1976 . |
P103/2/3/3/85 | File of documents regarding the Rough Magic production and Irish tour of Thomas Kilroy's play Tea and sex and Shakespeare , running [13 June] - 9 July 1988; [premiering in Belfast] . |
P103/2/4/3/98 | File of documents from The Abbey Theatre production of Thomas Kilroy's play Talbot's Box , running 13 - [ ] October 1977 and 23 January- [ ] 1978 (Dublin) and 23 November - [ ] 1977 (Royal Court, London). |
P103/2/5/1/112 | Typescript draft (94 pp) of Thomas Kilroy's adaptation of Chekhov's The Seagull ; and drafts of insert for Act 4. |
P103/2/5/2/113 | File of correspondence from literary agents Margaret Ramsay Ltd and successors Casarotto Ramsay Ltd, London, with Thomas Kilroy, over various stagings of his adaptation of Chekhov's The seagull . |
P103/2/5/2/114 | File of correspondence between Thomas Kilroy and various producers, directors, and others, concerning his adaptation of Chekhov's The seagull . |
P103/2/5/3/115 | File of records from the Royal Court Theatre's production of Thomas Kilroy's adaptation of The Seagull , running [2] April - [15] May 1981. |
P103/2/5/5/123 | File of documents regarding the radio play version of The seagull by Thomas Kilroy, based on his adaptation from Chekhov, made for the British Broadcasting Corporation's "World drama series" (for the World Service and Radio 4), and directed by David Hutchison; broadcast 7 September 1986. |
P103/2/6/1/132 | File of records relating to Thomas Kilroy's research for writing his play Double cross . |
P103/2/6/2/142 | File of correspondence between Thomas Kilroy and various people interested in his play Double Cross , including theatre managers, individuals interested in translating the text (Hungarian, Italian). |
P103/2/14/1/290 | Typescript "second draft" of Thomas Kilroy's adaptation of Luigi Pirandello's Enrico IV , entitled Henry - a play (inspired by Pirandello's Enrico IV , in two acts, with title page and list of characters, and extensive handwritten corrections and annotations. |
P103/2/6/4/148 | File of records regarding the publication of Thomas Kilroy's play Double Cross by The Gallery Press, Oldcastle, County Meath, in 1994. |
P103/2/6/4/149 | Printed translation (250 pp) of Double Cross as the basis of an academic thesis by Laura Angelini, entitled Double Cross- un Dramma di Thomas Kilroy , presented to the Universitá degli Studi di Roma (La Sapienza) in fulfilment of a laurea in lingue e letteratura . |
P103/2/6/4/150 | File of correspondence between Thomas Kilroy, London, and Gregory Partrick, Lyon, France, enclosing a translation of Kilroy's play Double cross ( Double jeu ), forming the basis of an academic thesis for obtaining a master's degree at the Université Lumi ère, Lyon. |
P103/2/6/4/151 | File of records regarding a translation of Thomas Kilroy's play Double cross into French ( Double jeu ) by Alexandra Poulain, Paris. |
P103/2/7/1/153 | File of notes and early drafts by Thomas Kilroy for his adaptation of Henrik Ibsen's Ghosts . |
P103/2/7/1/162 | Typescript draft or rehearsal script of Thomas Kilroy's adaptation of Ibsen's Ghosts. |
P103/2/7/1/163 | Typescript copy of Thomas Kilroy's adaptation of Ibsen's Ghosts , with a list of the first cast in 1989 and mentioning the revival of the play at Norstar International Theatre Festival, New York, June 1990. |
P103/2/7/2/164 | File of correspondence between Thomas Kilroy, a number of theatres, and a private person, regarding his adaptation of Ibsen's Ghosts . |
P103/2/7/3/165 | File of records from the Abbey Theatre production of Thomas Kilroy's adaptation of Henrik Ibsen's Ghosts , running 5-[ ] October 1989 (Abbey Theatre), touring three theatres in Ireland 21 May - 2 June 1990, and guesting at the International Theatre Festival at Stonybrook (New York, US) 12-16 June 1990. |
P103/2/8/172 | File of printed documents regarding Thomas Kilroy's involvement with the George Moore Society of which he was director [1990-1995], and particularly the organisation of the George Moore Extravaganza (seminar and festival) in July 1990, when his play Dreaming House was produced by Seven Woods (22 July). |
P103/2/9/1/174 | Refill pad with handwritten notes and research material from Thomas Kilroy for his play The Madame MacAdam Travelling Theatre , including a draft monologue for "Madame MacAdam" (later used both in entrance monologue and further on), and dialogue between "Lyle" and "Rabe" about the theatre, and acting. |
P103/2/9/1/180 | Handwritten draft by Thomas Kilroy for his play Madame MacAdam's Travelling Players [ The Madame MacAdam Travelling Theatre ], Part 1. |
P103/2/9/1/190 | Typescript draft by Thomas Kilroy of his play The Madame MacAdam Travelling Theatre , marked "Early draft - not rehearsal script". |
P103/2/9/1/191 | Typescript ringbound draft by Thomas Kilroy of his play The Madame MacAdam Travelling Theatre , with the note "text for reading at Court"; also file of loose leaves that complete the draft. |
P103/2/9/1/196 | Refill pad with unfinished reworked draft by Thomas Kilroy of his play The Madame MacAdam Travelling Theatre , based on the printed text (Methuen, 1991) and on a typescript draft: parts of both these were combined, and connected with new handwritten dialogue and stage directions. |
P103/2/9/2/198 | File of correspondence between Thomas Kilroy and various agents and theatres regarding his play The Madame MacAdam Travelling Theatre. |
P103/2/9/3/199 | File of records from the Field Day Company's production of Thomas Kilroy's The Madame MacAdam Travelling Theatre , first staged in Derry (9 - [ ] September), then touring, and guesting at The Gate Theatre for the Dublin Theatre Festival (14-26 October 1991). |
P103/2/9/5/1/203 | Typescript draft screenplay entitled Madame MacAdam's Travelling Theatre by Thomas Kilroy (based on his play The Madame MacAdam Travelling Theatre ), with a description of the setting, list of characters, and in 179 scenes. |
P103/2/9/5/2/204 | File of correspondence between Thomas Kilroy, his agents at Casarotto Company Ltd. |
P103/2/9/5/2/213 | File of correspondence between Thomas Kilroy and various people of Subotica Entertainment, including Dominic Wright, Tristan Lynch, John Lynch (prospective director), Cathal Black, and his literary agents Casarotto and Ramsay Ltd, regarding his screenplay based on The Madame MacAdam Travelling Theatre , and the planned production of the film. |
P103/2/10/2/219 | File of records regarding the Abbey Theatre production of Thomas Kilroy's adaptation of Pirandello's Six Characters in Search of an Author , running from (25-30 April) 1 May - 1 June 1996. |
P103/2/10/3/223 | File of correspondence between Thomas Kilroy and his literary agents, and (mostly) Peter [Fallon], The Gallery Press, Loughcrew, County Meath, regarding the publication of his Pirandello adaptation Six Characters in Search of an Author (in one volume with Henry , entitled Pirandellos ). |
P103/2/11/1/225 | File of copies and excerpts from published items with secondary source material on Oscar Wilde, and literary material inspired by him, collected by Thomas Kilroy in preparation of his play The Secret Fall of Constance Wilde . |
P103/2/11/1/228 | Writing pad (35 pp) with handwritten notes and draft dialogue by Thomas Kilroy for his play The Secret Fall of Constance Wilde , entitled "Constance". |
P103/2/11/1/237 | Typescript draft by Thomas Kilroy of his play The Secret Fall of Constance Wilde ; lacking front matter and the end of Part One; with extensive handwritten corrections and deletions. |
P103/2/11/1/238 | Typescript "revised early" draft by Thomas Kilroy of his play The Secret Fall of Constance Wilde ; with title page and list of characters (three main characters and six attendants with puppets). |
P103/2/11/2/239 | File of correspondence between Thomas Kilroy, his literary agents Casarotto Ramsay Ltd, regarding his play The Secret Fall of Constance Wilde . |
P103/2/11/3/241 | File of records regarding the Abbey Theatre production of Thomas Kilroy's play The Secret Fall of Constance Wilde revived for The Melbourne Festival (Australia) 28 October- 1 November 1998. |
P103/2/11/3/242 | File of records regarding the Abbey Theatre production of Thomas Kilroy's play The Secret Fall of Constance Wilde , revived for The Barbican International Theatre Event (London, UK), running 27 September - 7 October 2000. |
P103/2/11/3/244 | File of records regarding the Guthrie Theatre (Minneapolis, US) production of Thomas Kilroy's play The Secret Fall of Constance Wilde , running 31 May - 11 July. |
P103/2/12/1/1/248 | Writing pad mostly with handwritten notes and draft dialogue by Thomas Kilroy, in preparation of a play with the working title My Life Has Had Its Moments [ My Scandalous Life . |
P103/2/12/1/2/255 | File of records regarding the rehearsed reading of Thomas Kilroy's play My Scandalous Life (two acts), on the Peacock stage (Abbey Theatre), Dublin, on 3 December 2000. |
P103/2/12/2/3/265 | File of records regarding the Irish Repertory Theatre (New York) production of Thomas Kilroy's play My Scandalous Life , running 2 February - 6 March 2011. |
P103/2/13/3/278 | File of documents relating to the Abbey Theatre production (premier) of Thomas Kilroy's play The Shape of Metal , running during the Dublin Theatre Festival 29 September - 11 October 2003, at the Abbey Theatre. |
P103/2/14/1/292 | Typescript draft of Thomas Kilroy's adaptation of Luigi Pirandello's Enrico IV , entitled Henry - a play (inspired by Pirandello's Enrico IV , in two acts, used for a workshop at the Pittsburgh Irish and Classical Theatre (PICT); with handwritten corrections. |
P103/2/15/2/313 | File of records regarding the Abbey Theatre production of Thomas Kilroy's play Christ Deliver Us! , running 9 February - 14 March 2010. |
P103/3/1/2/331 | Hardbound notebook kept by Thomas Kilroy in preparation for his radio play That man Bracken , as well as loose segments torn out of the book. |
P103/3/1/2/340 | File of correspondence regarding Thomas Kilroy's radio play That Man Bracken , broadcast on Radio 3 (BBC), 20 June 1986 (7. |
P103/3/1/3/1/359 | File of correspondence between Thomas Kilroy, script consultants Elizabeth Garner and Paula Mulroe (for the Irish Film Board), producer Paul Donovan (of Grand Pictures); co-operating on developing Kilroy's screenplay The Colleen and the Cowboy . |
P103/3/1/4/370 | Handwritten letter from Peter Fallon, The Gallery Press, Loughcrew, County Meath, to Thomas Kilroy, praising his radio play In the Garden of the Asylum , but finding it would be too difficult to publish it on its own. |
P103/3/2/1/372 | File of records regarding a proposed half-hour television play by Thomas Kilroy entitled Breakdown in Peace Talks with Hope in Sight , entered for the Observer Weekend TV-competition (1968). |
P103/3/2/2/375 | Typescript "shooting script" of Thomas Kilroy's television play Farmers , with front matter listing the six actors, the Ráidió Teilifis Éireann production staff, recording dates and location. |
P103/3/2/5/382 | File of correspondence and drafts regarding a proposed adaptation for television of George Moore's Drama in Muslin by Thomas Kilroy. |
P103/3/2/6/383 | File of handwritten notes and other documents regarding Thomas Kilroy's television screenplay The Women and Mr. |
P103/3/2/6/386 | File of fragments of typescript drafts by Thomas Kilroy for his screenplay The Women and Mr. |
P103/3/2/6/387 | Fragment of typescript draft by Thomas Kilroy (and writing assistant Julia Lowell Carlson), for his screenplay The Women and Mr. |
P103/3/2/6/390 | File of correspondence between Thomas Kilroy and RTÉ, his literary agents Anthony Sheil Associates Ltd, and the BBC, regarding his screenplay The Women and Mr. |
P103/3/2/7/393 | File of documents comprising "Draft 2" (24 pp) of Thomas Kilroy's play Gold in the Streets - a half-hour TV play , with title page; in 30 scenes . |
P103/3/2/7/395 | File of documents centering on the "final script" (58 pp) of Thomas Kilroy's television play Gold in the Streets , with two different title pages giving RTÉ production details; in 24 scenes. |
P103/3/2/7/396 | File of correspondence mostly from RTÉ regarding Thomas Kilroy's television play Gold in the Streets . |
P103/3/2/10/408 | File of correspondence between Thomas Kilroy, his literary agents Casarotto Ramsay Ltd, and Noel Pearson and others at Ferndale Films, Dublin, regarding his work for the film documentary on Brian Friel. |
P103/4/2/522 | File of correspondence from academics (and three students) from institutions in Ireland, the UK, Europe, North America, India, and Japan, to Thomas Kilroy (and very few draft letters by Kilroy), regarding various instances of collaboration: references for past lecturerships (UCD and in US); course syllabi and reports (only Dartmouth College, 1976); invitations and arrangement of conferences, lectures; letters of regret where no lecturership is available; commenting on visits just past; invitations to write for inhouse journals; requests for biographical information; queries regarding translations of selected plays into Japanese, Italian. |
P103/4/3/525 | File of correspondence between Thomas Kilroy and Peter Fallon, at the publishing house The Gallery Press, Loughcrew, County Meath. |
P103/4/3/526 | File of correspondence between Thomas Kilroy and Lucy Kroll of Lucy Kroll Agency, New York (US), and also other agents and solicitors working on his behalf, regarding Kroll's agency for performance and publication of his plays in the United States of America (where not contained in the respective files). |
P103/4/3/529 | File of correspondence between Thomas Kilroy, Dónall Farmer and other producers at the Irish broadcaster, Ráidió Teilifis Éireann, Dublin, regarding various pieces of writing for television by Kilroy (where not contained in the respective files). |
P103/4/3/530 | File of correspondence between Thomas Kilroy and his literary (drama) agents at Margaret Ramsay Ltd, London (UK), their successors Casarotto Ramsay Ltd, and solicitors and other agents working on Kilroy's behalf, regarding their management of performances or publication of his plays and sometimes prose, and literary advice (where such letters are not contained in the respective files). |
P103/6/1/546 | File of records deriving from Thomas Kilroy's tenure as reader, and subsequently as Play Editor at The National Theatre Society Ltd (The Abbey Theatre), [1976] and Play Editor December 1977 - July 1978. |
P103/6/2/549 | File of correspondence between Thomas Kilroy and various directors, managers, board members at The National Theatre Society Ltd (The Abbey Theatre) such as Joe Dowling, Ben Barnes, Fiach Mac Conghail, Garry Hynes, Patrick Mason, Augustine Martin. |
P103/7/1/555 | File of correspondence between Thomas Kilroy and administrators and other board members of the Field Day Theatre Company, Derry, mostly of documents circulated among members. |
P103/7/1/556 | File of correspondence between Thomas Kilroy and administrators and other board members of the Field Day Theatre Company, Derry, mostly of documents circulated among members. |
P103/8/1/3/610 | File of documents regarding Thomas Kilroy's participation in the programme Les Belles Etrangeres: Irlande , held in Paris, Lyons, and other locations in France, and featuring major Irish writers. |
P103/8/1/3/613 | File of documents regarding Thomas Kilroy's visiting fellowship (October - December) at the Department of English, Kyoto University. |
P103/8/1/3/614 | File of documents regarding Thomas Kilroy's participation in the Anglistentag (German association for English Studies), Graz, Austria, (25-28 September 1994) and a conference at Siegen University, Germany (30 September - 3 October 1994). |
P103/8/1/3/621 | File of documents from various smaller seminars, conferences, festivals, prize-givings, which Thomas Kilroy was participant of, or which he was invited to. |
P103/2/6/3/143 | File of records from the Field Day Theatre Company's production of Thomas Kilroy's play Double Cross , starting with a performance in Derry (11 February 1986), then touring Ireland with a run at The Gate Theatre, followed by a run at the Royal Court Theatre, London. |
P103/2/14/2/293 | File of correspondence and other documents regarding the PICT production of Thomas Kilroy's play Henry, running from 31 August to 24 September 2005. |
T2 - Druid Theatre Company/1 Productions 1975 - 2013 /16/192-194 | 'Lovers Meeting' - Written by Louis Dalton and directed by Garry Hynes. |
P103 | Thomas Kilroy, The Papers of |
T2 - Druid Theatre Company/1 Productions 1975 - 2013 /8/84 | 'The Playboy of the Western World' - Written by J.M. Synge and directed by Garry Hynes. |
T2 - Druid Theatre Company/1 Productions 1975 - 2013 /11/114-115 | 'The Playboy of the Western World' - Written by J.M Synge and directed by Garry Hynes - Irish Tour |
A44/6/22/4/2 | Correspondence |