Description | Set of index cards describing the townland of Tamhnach Bhán/Bán [Tawnaghbaun]. Included in the description are various local features including Loch Bheag, Garraí Pheadaí, Cnocán na hAibhne, Balla Bhannóg, Oileán Cois Fharraige, Aill na mBó, Garraí Cheann Mhór, Oileán na hAbhann, Balla Chúlóg, Tobar Bhidí, Carraigneachaí, Béalain, Lochán Dealaí, Dóilín, Muing, Oileán an Ghiolcaigh, Carraig an Ime, Oileán na Craoibhe, Tamhnach Bán Lake, and Cois Fharraige (a small peninsula on the South Coast, and the site of a megalithic tomb). Tom Conneely and Joe Joyce are credited with providing some of the information. |