Ref NoA46
TitleGearoid MacNiocaill microfilm material
DescriptionMicrofilm copies of original docuemnts gathered by Prof. Gearoid Mac Niocaill in the course of his research. Includes NLI 443; TCD Ms 594; unidentified; TNA, exchequer accounts; British Museum 587 d 25, 1068 e 7 (1), 1068 e 7(3), 1002 d 8(2) and 237 I 35; NLI P411; British Museum; NLI, copy of PRO C47; PRO E344; Heike Monogatari; PRO SC11/934; NLI copu of PRO Chancery Misc; PRO SC11/934; Archbishop of Dublin Ms; BL Harl 5930; PRO SC8/4-329; BL unidentified. Also set of floppy disks marked MOR 371.
Extent23 items
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