How do I search the catalogue?

These pages allow you to search the catalogue in a number of ways. You can search for records in the main catalogue, or by production, person or role.

(Please note that not all our material is catalogued - please see the useful links for links to our collections pages with details of all our collections.)

By default the search will look for the word or words you have entered (or part of word preceded and/or followed by *). You can, however, choose to change the default search criteria by clicking 'Refine Search Criteria'. There are three ways of refining the search option:
  • With all the words
  • With at least one of the words
  • Without the words

Basic Search
The basic search box on the home page of this catalogue will perform a basic search of all the data in the catalogue.

Advanced Search
(This is the most comprehensive way to search.) This allows you to search by title, date or reference number if you know them but also by 'Any text' which will search all of the text held in the record.

Every catalogue record page allows you to see the related Performance records, if there are any.

Search by Person
This allows you to search for a person by name (surname or first name in any order) and dates. The results page allows you to view all of the records related to that person.

Search by Production
This allows you to search for productions by title, venue or date if you know them but also by 'Any text' which will search all the text in the production record.

Please note that a search via the People and Performance options will not bring up as many results as searching the catalogue, as the data in these databases is currently limited. We suggest that you also search by Advanced Search to find the most results, and to contact the Theatre Collection if you still cannot find what you are looking for.

​Recently catalogued collections​

​A list of some of our recently catalogued collections​.